Heed Lagrange
Heed Lagrange
Heed Lagrange Integrated Amplifier
Heed believes there is a sweet spot for almost everything. In music, the balance of sound and silence, the ratio of the tempo of their heartbeat, or the weight of each instrument induce many different experiences. They give us pleasure or sorrow, evoke fragments of memories in rapid succession, which all evolve to an overall emotional picture about that piece of music.
When we speak about balance in music reproduction, we cannot describe it with numbers. For this reason, Heed products are not made to bend lines on an oscilloscope, but to give you one of the greatest delights in life, the joy of music. And Lagrange is exceptionally good at that.
Being a Transcap amplifier, the Lagrange has all the benefits of the technology that can create this rich and organic sound. The level of details, the pace, the rhythm and the overall atmosphere of the music are all in lovely balance. Choose any aspect you like, you will find what you seek for, and you will enjoy it very much.
Heed's first full size integrated amplifier offers an extended musical experience. You can love it hysterically, or beat it with gothic metal on a moody day, one point remains stable. It always gives you what you need.
You can either step close to see the brush strokes, or step farther to take in the whole picture. But can you do both? Where is the sweet spot? Is there any?
Well, as for the Lagrange, it depends on you.